Wednesday, April 14, 2010
This Weeks Plan
Friday we will meet in the neovox office at 9:30 to prepare and get t-shirts. Everyone will chose a design to wear to the presentation.
Any lorraine or I.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Okay, so this is it.
Okay, so these are my final two panels. I did one less image for the young boy because they are usually either killed or enlisted into the army if they are boys. I changed the third picture for both of them also to symbolize that they are made up of all the labels and emotions that come with this war and going through what they did. I'll have my artist statement soon.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Final Panel look?
Monday, April 5, 2010
Text of the Pamphlet--Critique?
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Size of the Panels - 24"x72"
Images are due next Friday so we have a week to print. I will need volunteers to help with printing.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
my first poem i ever wrote!
I was talking to my friend the other day and he had an assignment to do for creative writing and the insturctions said something about how with every word and new image is created and words being added to a phrase change and image. So i thought how i could use that and change the one word of. "WOMAN" then i just started brainstorming and my friend actually mentioned some words and i put it together. took a while.. My friend mentioned the word victimized and i thought how perfect it would be in the end.. after all of the words are added to the body the ending statement changing to VICTIMIZED WOMAN.. and starting with just WOMAN...
So i wrote this poem its the first time i ever wrote one so i hope that you all like it. I wanted it to be POWERFUL and really capture the attention of the audience because it is all about rape. I think i did a good job portraying what I wanted to... what do you think?? i had this image of the words within a girls figure and i came up with this.. i worked on it for a while and had help from someone in the lab .. her name was melissa and she showed me how to do it all.
What do you all think??
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
more news about the Congo
Friday, March 26, 2010
One More by Eve Ensler
Charlize Theron on the DRC
Some things We CAN Do About the Congo
Perhaps we need to once again, focus on the small things--primarily the construction of the City of Joy in Bukavu.
Another organization that is doing a lot of work in the DRC is Doctors Without Borders.
As I said in class today, we can't save a nation. But perhaps we can improve the lives of a few women, which, to me, is worth doing this for.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
For the new folks (and the old)
There are several tasks that need doing. For the writers, our primary task is to put together the brochure with information about what is going on in the DRC, the statistics about the numbers of women raped and the numbers of people who have been killed. We also need someone (maybe one of you science folks?) to do some research on conflict minerals. Coltan is the major conflict mineral that is being used to finance the war in the Congo, and we want to bring Cortland students' attention to the fact that our use of cell phones and computers may be inadvertently contributing to financing the war. We need a list of officials that people can write to. I would suggest the following: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice; President Kabila of the DRC; First Lady Michelle Obama. I have some templates of these letters from last year. We could consider putting together a postcard on the back of the brochure that folks could tear off and send to one of these officials. Can we brainstorm what we might like the postcard to look like? Should it have an image on it?
Finally, for those of you who are feeling moved by what you have been learning about the Congo are free to write prose/poems/ or any other type of art that not only expresses how you feel, but may also move students to action.
As Martine notes in her post, we are RUNNING OUT OF TIME. Please consider that this assignment--which you will tell me tomorrow what you're going to take on--needs to be in good shape by next Friday.
If you are one of the folks who cannot attend class on Friday, please e-mail Martine and I with your idea, and plan on e-mailing your assignment to both of us by next Friday.
My most recent blog post about the DRC can be found here:
Any questions? Contact me at Feel free to comment.
Thank you for your posts
We will need to decide on the sticker on this day as well. So if you have not posted an idea, do so asap. We will only choose from designs submitted to this blog.
Remember: you will each create 2 image panels based on the DRC. In the software of your choice your document needs to be 24" x 72" 200dpi.
Secondly, we need to move quickly on the booklet that we were discussing to hand out. The printer will need some turn around time, so I would like to see comps for the layout next Friday as well. Lorraine and I will supply content. I would like to get this to the printer no later than April7th. Does anyone want to head up the layout on this?
Lastly, I would like to spend our time printing all of the panels when we meet on April 9th. The imagery will be done a week before we install.
Please be ready to work, and work really hard. Scholar's Day is around the corner.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Sticker Proposal
Another Version of the Panel
So I was playing around with my idea for one of my panels, and this is more what I had in mind with the words creating a picture. I don't know if I like it better as just one, or both, or in black or white. The words used are Awareness, Hate, Shame, Sadness, Rape, Terror, Nothingness, Death, and Horror. The final version will probably have a lot more words.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
This is just a quick post
Friday, March 12, 2010
Ideas for Scholars Day
I did some research on the tunnel of oppression and it was originally developed at Western Illinois University. Its to create an environment oh harsh reality situations that over through life, mostly pertaining to college students. This first tunnel of oppression loosely based off of the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, CA. I found some pictures and ideas that previous people have done, above. We can collaborate past ideas that people have used in the tunnel of oppression and collaborate it with an art exhibit. The idea of sound and lost direction through art, will give the viewers more emotions then prepared for.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Assignment For Next Week - Work your research
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: An interactive performance
For Next Friday:
- Research the idea of Tunnel of Oppression
- sticker design 5x 5
- sketches of your 2 panels 24" x 72"
- with written artist statement to accompany panel imagery
- present idea of sound
- think about how we can construct the tunnel or structure using the imagery panels.
My idea in progress
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
I originally had an idea for the Haiti t-shirts revolving around a puzzle concept and making Haiti into puzzle pieces scattered on the front and then on the back having the puzzle pieces put together with the country as a whole to show how if we make a difference we can “Piece Haiti back together”. Since we are not doing the t-shirts anymore I was thinking about how to put this together for Scholars day. Since I am not an art major I was brainstorming what I could do for writing to contribute to the art. Then I think I figured it out.
Either as a group or individually we could come up with a written piece related to the concept of making a difference and the puzzle concept or an art piece related to the
I also was thinking that we could use this piece as something for Neovox to save as a memory of what we did on campus Scholar’s day 2010. Maybe we could have that puzzle in a shadow box with glass over it and the end result inside.
This would probably be easier to explain in person.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thank you for those that did post in a timely manner.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
_Tantalum- or coltan is often used in ipods, digital cameras and cell phones
_Tungsten- used to make our cell phones vibrate."
Its interesting after knowing that a simple mineral is affecting part of the raping in congo is something that we don't take for granite. Sometimes I don't even realize that everytime my phone vibrates or is charging, It continues to use that mineral.
visit this website and it explains an article about our electronics causing the war in congo.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Graciela's Proposal
(that is supposed to be primary red) please double click, looks better without the visual noise of the blog's background.
I still don't have a clear idea of what exactly we are going to do.
So I continued with my proposal for scholar day. Please correct me if I am wrong.
2. Minimal symbol. referring to the silence held in this war, and the exponential problematic situation due to this same fact.
the idea is to give an incentive, dare people to answer. And cite them to the place we are going to give the demonstration.
naive engagement with a powerful, ending, message.
I am not sure how I want to portray mi idea. I do know I want to base it on the statistics, facts and percentage of women raped in Congo. Their Stories basically.
I can bring rough sketches but I still have not a clear idea.
My medium will be illustration, photography, collage.